Bienvenidos, Ongi Etorri, Welcome!!!

"¡Aquí os doy la bienvenida a mi blog, desde donde podréis seguir mis aventuras por el Reino Unido!"

Saturday 17 July 2010

What can I do?

Pffff.... Saturday morning, Thaila went out soon this morning with Becca and her son Oshyon, they had to buy some clothes for the little boy of the flat. I´ve just had breakfast and as every day I´m spending the whole morning surfing on the internet, my life here is boring, isn´t it ?.
Anyway, I have some plans for the afternoon, I´m thinking about start running, I´m going to try to write all my training here, for it, I´ve created a new space in my blog (Athletics Training). Pablo, Do you think I´m going to do it?... he, he, he... I´ll try...


  1. You must be REALLY bored if you are thinking about training... and I don't think it sunny enough for you there, ;)
    Enjoy your holidays and learn as much English as you can!!!

  2. Hahaha don't be crazy man!! You know you're not going to train nothing during your months here in england. Not as me, for example I've been running 2 hours and a half today, what about you?? We have to speak because I want to tell some things about today's trip that are going to crazy you!! jajaja
