Bienvenidos, Ongi Etorri, Welcome!!!

"¡Aquí os doy la bienvenida a mi blog, desde donde podréis seguir mis aventuras por el Reino Unido!"

Friday 16 July 2010

Hi everybody!, How are things in Spain?... Here, everything continues like in the days before... Boring, boring, boring... Today we slept until eleven o´clock, we´re very lazy these days, since we came here I think we haven´t still recovered from the large journey.
Yesterday night, Thaila and I finally went to "Watherspoon", which is a very famous pub in Eastbourne. We spent a good time with my corean friend Yire, she repeated me the same expresions than a year and a half before, like "¿Que tal mi muy guapo amigo Luis?... es broma" or "¿Estoy bien, y tu?"... Hearing those expresions from a corean girl is very funny. We talked for a while about our life in Spain and in Mongolia...
Now, we´re going to cook the dinner... chicken brief in the oven, with french fries...mmm... delicious... :-S Sorry, but Thaila´s said that she was going to cook the dinner, not me.
Well, I couldn´t post a counter in the blog to know if somebody read it... (I hope everybody take a look here) but I did some changes in the design, I hope you like the new "face" of the blog.
The weather was like yesterday, "Four seasons in one day"... like Shakira says, because this is England.. waka, waka.. eh, eh... I´m going to give you a present, one of my favourite English songs from Crowded House.
Lot of kisses and you must know I miss my country and my people so much!

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