Bienvenidos, Ongi Etorri, Welcome!!!

"¡Aquí os doy la bienvenida a mi blog, desde donde podréis seguir mis aventuras por el Reino Unido!"

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down

Last week, we did a listening in the college, it was about this song "When the sun goes down" from "Arctic Monkeys", I´d never listened before.
Anyway, I really recommend you to listen some of their songs!

Chicken, chicken, chicken.... the best chicken ever!

Wouhh!... I must write here because I´ve just eaten the most delicius chicken ever..... It was incredible, I can´t describe the moment but I was eating my food when suddenly I´ve realised that I´ve already eaten the whole chicken... I´m expecting for the next dinner to eat chiken again. It could seems crazy but when you eat salad every day you become a little bit stange.
Today was a typical English day, shoping in the morning, college in the afternoon and a bit of running... hehehe.. I ran 35' next to the seafront and I came back to my flat to spend the night surfing on internet.
Tomorrow morning I must do my homework, one letter applaying for a job...
Enjoy the sun in Spain... Have fun... if you can!!!

VALERENGA 2 - 4 BARÇA [Pretemporada][29-07-10]

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Brief summary of my last weeks!

Hi everyone!... Long time since the last time I wrote here, I was so annoyed because I thought nobody keeped looking my blog. Apparently, I was wrong, and some people asked me about the reasons to stop writing.
Anyway, now I´ve just come back from my lethargy... hehehe... to be honest I was a little bit dissapointed about my first two weeks in England.
Since two weeks ago the boring times became funny and entertaning.
On the weekend of 23th to 25th July, Iñigo came to Eastbourne in order to spend the whole weekend with Thaila and I. It was a nice weekend, full of fun, photos and good moments together.
On Monday 26th we started the College in St Giles, we´re both in the same class, Advance level. Actually it´s our second week but almost we´re the most veterans, because in summer time people come to England for a short time. The same day that we started the course we had to go to Stansted Airport in London, where we had some problems that I´ll explain in the folder "Trips", where I have to upload some articles. We went there by car because I had to pick up my cousins Juantxo and Arantxa. They visited us between Monday to Friday and like with Iñigo we spent a really nice time with them.
And finally, last Sunday we went to Oxford with some people from the College, I was amazed about the city, it has got a wonderful old town full of Univerities, Castles, Bridges, Churchs and Parks... and of course we could see the places from "Harry Potter" films.
This is only a brief summary about the last weeks in England but this time I promise you, I´m going to write more often. See you soon!

Saturday 17 July 2010

What can I do?

Pffff.... Saturday morning, Thaila went out soon this morning with Becca and her son Oshyon, they had to buy some clothes for the little boy of the flat. I´ve just had breakfast and as every day I´m spending the whole morning surfing on the internet, my life here is boring, isn´t it ?.
Anyway, I have some plans for the afternoon, I´m thinking about start running, I´m going to try to write all my training here, for it, I´ve created a new space in my blog (Athletics Training). Pablo, Do you think I´m going to do it?... he, he, he... I´ll try...