Bienvenidos, Ongi Etorri, Welcome!!!

"¡Aquí os doy la bienvenida a mi blog, desde donde podréis seguir mis aventuras por el Reino Unido!"

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Chicken, chicken, chicken.... the best chicken ever!

Wouhh!... I must write here because I´ve just eaten the most delicius chicken ever..... It was incredible, I can´t describe the moment but I was eating my food when suddenly I´ve realised that I´ve already eaten the whole chicken... I´m expecting for the next dinner to eat chiken again. It could seems crazy but when you eat salad every day you become a little bit stange.
Today was a typical English day, shoping in the morning, college in the afternoon and a bit of running... hehehe.. I ran 35' next to the seafront and I came back to my flat to spend the night surfing on internet.
Tomorrow morning I must do my homework, one letter applaying for a job...
Enjoy the sun in Spain... Have fun... if you can!!!

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